Thursday, January 12, 2006

Begin Anew

To Begin Anew

"If anyone is in Christ: New Creation!" [2Corinthians 5:17]

This is the new beginning every person needs.

'You MUST be born from above' - said Jesus.

Every human being has in some measure opted to live apart from God. And the outworking of such an opting, is dislocation, disorientation, anguish, angst, guilt, shame, and the temptation to join the massive global conspiracy, to do a 'cover up job' on what is essentially wrong in our lives, and the world in which we live.

G.K. Chesterton, gave the shortest reply to the issue, posed at one time, in this way: 'What is wrong with the world?' He wrote his letter (to the male Editor, at the time): Dear Sir, I am. Signed: G.K. Chesterton.

As a person of faith, he knew that the solution lay with a deep repair-work taking place within the heart of humanity. The repair work, he also knew, flowed from Jesus, at the cross of Calvary.

As we approach the New Year, and begin those resolutions, the greatest resolve, if it can be called that - is to be a person of faith in Jesus Christ, and his work of repair. We call it atonement. That which deals with sin, with the old person of the past. That which makes a person, a new person, a new creature, a part of the new creation, begun in the resurrection of Jesus.

We must be able to say, to have ture faith: 'I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me'.

We mean the old, egocentric, selfish, evil "I" has been crucifed int he death of Jesus. When he died, "I" died. And I have been raised with him, a justified, forgiven, sanctified, new, useful, different person. A new beginning has taken place in this deed of Jesus. My relationship with him now, is the newness of life I need. Kept by grace. Redeemed by grace. Made new by grace - all flowing in the life of faith, to a believer.

Faith is very crucial indeed, for life in 2006. May you launch into January, cleaving to Christ, by faith, and receiving all of his benefits - newness of life, totally. The old has passed away. the new has come

Happy New Year!

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