Creation, the Fall and Redemption [1,2.3]
The way in which we understand the world around us depends largely upon the framework we have for our thinking, and actions. Communism is largely a failed framework for thinking. Atheism is quite popular, (even if failing to make anys sense of the question of purpose).
Hedonism, the pursuit of pleasure is a popular framework for thought. Again it does not address the difficult questions, and is essentially selfish. Also, I understand that - ancient Paganism is seeing something of a resurgence - an attempt to make sense of the world, dabbling with the occult, and yet failing to answer questions about Jesus.
Islam is a system, or framework for thinking, and actions [we sure have been reminded of the actions that flow from faulty thinking!]
The faith and understanding given to us by Jesus, and the Apostles, and built upon the law and the prophets is essentially a threefold framework:
1. Creation.
2. The Fall
3. Redemption
Of course, these 3 are all helpful when considered in relationhsip to Jesus Christ, and seeing His Lordship over each, as Son of God, and Son of Man.
The Eternal Son of God, is the Co-Creator (of Creation), the True Man (without sin and a Man who has not participated in "the Fall"), and the new Adam (the Redeemer) who reverses the horror of the Fall, by becoming a curse - for us. He rises from death, to bless us all in his redemptive power, so that God’s orginal blessing for Creation may be fulfilled.
When we encounter disaster, sadness, and deep disintegration of community within creation, we do well to remember that the Fall was a long fall, a large fall, an horrendous fall, and no small 'oops'. It was a tragic conspiracy to believe the lie, and to call down upon us the judgment of death, the curse of 'thorns and thistles' and 'pain in childbirth' - ways of speaking of the anguish of the curse. Disease, malfunction within creation - all flow from the fall.
There is however a Redeemer - the Creator of the world, and the only One able to 'make all things new'. This Redeemer is our hope. He HAS redeemed - in that Cross. We ever anticipate the grand outworking of his resurrection power.
Creation. The Fall. Redemption.
"This however you must know: I find that God made man simple; man's complex problems are of his own devising". (Ecclesiastes 7:29 - Jerusalem Bible)
Prayer: "Lord we praise you for the framework in which to truly think, and act, in life".
Cheers, Trevor
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